This is a Vital Read for Every American and Worth Sharing, especially with the Young!
America – Why Have You Gone So Far Astray?
You used to be noble, righteous, humble, though far from perfect, considering slavery. We who now worship the God who made us a once-great nation, weep for you who have renounced God for the passing pleasures of unrighteous desires. To set America back on the right road to righteousness, we will need many millions of us Americans to come back to God – to put godly men and women into elected office at the national, state and local levels. Those of us who love America, want to see her thrive once again as a nation under God, as stated in our Pledge of Allegiance.
What Is America’s Early History?
America was inaugurated in 1620 by the prophetic words of the Mayflower Compact, signed by every Pilgrim man before they left the Mayflower and set foot on the soil of their new nation. They had been driven by religious persecution in the Old World (England and Holland) to establish a new nation on this continent “for the glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith” (quote: Mayflower Compact).
Then on July 4, 1776, Congress declared to the world that the American colonies would from that day forward be free and independent states, no longer under the authority of Great Britain. Our national founding document clearly states some remarkable precepts that set America on its path to God-centered greatness. It stands as a classic example of Christians and the Church becoming deeply involved in Politics, as is expected of us.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – That
to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
This was revolutionary thinking for our Founding Fathers. To recognize that God would cause men to lead themselves by selecting leaders who were then accountable to them as a group to discharge that sacred duty and responsibility of governance, keeping always in mind to whom we are all ultimately responsible.
This new upstart of a nation had to fight a bloody war – our Revolutionary War – to make stick our resolve to be independent. Our first President considered the father of our country, had this to say to all of us about “religion” in all of our affairs:
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that
man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these
great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of
men and citizens. …Reason and experience both forbid us to expect
that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Washington – Farewell Address, September 19, 1796
“Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”
(Proverb 14:34)
What Is America’s True Foundation?
When the majority of the citizens of America worshipped and followed the God of the Bible, as begun by the Pilgrims under their Mayflower Compact, and later formalized in our Declaration of Independence, we thrived as a people and became a great nation – perhaps the greatest nation ever on the earth. However, after WWII we have seen a dramatic falling away of seemingly an entire nation from the solid virtues that made us once the envy of the world – our flourishing wealth; our honorable government; our excellent school & university system; our ingenious technologies; our strong military; our virtuous and generous people; our beautiful mountains, forests and lakes; our vast, rich farms and ranches; our hard-working people building wonderful new infrastructures and businesses.
It was the intangible, the spiritual in us that enabled that goodness, that foundation in Faith and Freedom which empowers us to build all that we see. But when we, as a people began turning away from following and worshipping God, He began to take His hand of guidance and benevolence from us. Left then to man’s wisdom, the Federal government began to control more and more of our lives, adopting socialistic systems of governance which have repeatedly destroyed other nations.* The insatiable drive for power especially by the left is ruining the decent life that used to characterize America and our healthy personal relationships with each other.
What Is America’s Current Situation?
For the first two centuries we were a kind and gentle giver to, and defender of, the world, yet today we are not regarded well in the main, especially by countries dominated by dictators and Communism. The not so strange thing about all this, is that many of these authoritarian governments* that opposed us have impoverished their own people, ruining their lives, while we have continued to thrive – until recently.
What Is Our Government’s Part in Our Decline?
Our US Supreme Court in 1962-63 stabbed the very heart of a moral America – they ruled that our young students could no longer pray to our God in schools. Social statistics reveal that decision set us on the slippery slope of sin and moral degradation as a nation. Then in 1973 that same Supreme Court decided it was fine for us to murder babies in the womb, some 61 million so far. Then in 2015, the same Court made another unthinkable decision. They found that it was okay to allow same-sex marriage in America. With that fateful decision, our Supreme Court challenged the very authority of the God of all Creation. That same God gave us the Holy Bible to guide us away from such immorality and sin, so that by following its precepts, we could keep on the more narrow path of righteousness.
The insanity of telling God to “get lost” is now reaping us a whirlwind of calamities.
What are Some of the Results?
Fewer of us now believe in God. Fewer still are followers of Jesus Christ. The
radical Left’s Humanistic-Secularization of several of our younger generations
in schools, universities and on social media is at the heart of why this has
happened. Laws are being passed that restrict and even prohibit the
practices of moral activity. Some laws and policies attempt to prevent
speech about morality – a growing antagonism toward anything Christian
or Biblical. Our nation is technically in bankruptcy – hugely growing
liabilities grossly exceed total assets. Our increasingly socialistic laws,
policies and regulations are driving America ever closer to the
bankruptcy that always – always – follows such incompetent governance.
Much of our industry and businesses are owned or controlled by
foreigners, Communist China in particular. I use “particular”
because they have stated their goal is total world domination.
America is their greatest obstacle to accomplishing that Goal.
Many governments around the world, and at all levels in America,
are increasingly led by those whose personal and immoral interests
are placed above those of their citizens. (e.g. Marxists, Islamic
Supremists, and others with non-Biblical laws)
The events in late 2020 and early 2021 in America give many of us
a renewed foreboding of what is surely ahead for America – unless
we do a complete reversal of the way we manage our affairs at the
Federal level and other levels.
What Can Be Done To Return Our Nation to Biblical Righteousness?
It would do us well to remember that God allowed great calamity to fall upon His favored people of ancient Israel. When immorality and sin became so bad in Israel that they would not listen to His prophets but insisted on becoming more evil – God brought terrible
calamities upon them to get their attention. Later He would give them a leader who brought them back to God, for a time, until they strayed again, repeating the cycle. Perhaps we are in that spot now with God. He demands righteousness and we have become increasingly immoral, even evil. Worse yet, we have been in the business of exporting our immorality in music, movies, TV, books magazines, games, and the internet literally around the world. According to some evidence just now being discovered, even the means of electing people in America’s political system may be compromised. So the answer here is as clear for us today as it was for ancient Israel then – return to God and His ways of living righteously – or face an ugly end.
“I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness
that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap
in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no
one.” Ezekiel 22:30
So let’s do three things:
- Pray Humbly but Fervently to our nation-founding God, to
confess, repent and ask forgiveness for our many sins personally and nationally. Then Ask Him to Revive His churches in America from
Coast to Coast, so all preachers will once again be faithful teachers of
His Bible, and will again “Thunder from their Pulpits” against the Evil in our Land, as did the vaunted “Black Robe Regiment” of the 1700s.
Ask Him to provide us a strong, Christ-following National Figure who
will be stirred by God’s Holy Spirit to lead another “Great Awakening”
from Border to Border. Ask Him to restore our government to righteousness, so that we are led to become a God-fearing, God-following government once again. Ask Him to intervene and bring down the immoral, the profane, and the evil in our land. Ask Him to
cause us all to lower the temperature of our speech against one
another, and to help us to show the Love of God toward each other
and not the prevalent hostile attitudes. The last line of the
Lord’s Prayer asks God to “Deliver us from Evil”. Ask Him to
do just that! - Speak winsomely but forcefully in Public against Political Immorality and Attempts to change our US Constitution.
A book entitled “Politics According to the Bible” by Dr. Wayne Grudem, supports and explains Jesus’ own call for us all to be Salt & Light in a Decaying and Dark world. As part of this, we must find, encourage, and
support candidates for office who believe in America as founded
and want to see her return to that greatness – for God’s Glory,
not ours. We must also speak against and vote against immoral
laws, and policies counter to our US Constitution that abridge our
Faith & Freedom.
- Share the Grace of the Good News of Jesus Christ in a Winsome
way with more and more people.Especially with our elected and
appointed government officials, as well as judges.Let us double and
redouble our best efforts. Even those who are not yet Christ-followers
can see there is a need for change, but many are unaware of how to
make it happen. Let us show them. And we must hurry – the time
is perhaps short.
Closing Thought: I was forty years a heathen, now forty-five years a
Christ-follower. I clearly see that America’s many problems like absurd
economics, corrupt politics, lying officials, corrupt Judiciary, inferior
education, drug-abuse, porous borders, immoral entertainment,
hedonism, etc. are only symptoms. The Problem in America is we have
stopped following God – even in some segments of the Christian Church!
We Americans must Repent and Return to God in Christ – or – we are DONE…
February 5, 2021
Note: There are five papers that will help you in these three purposes. They
are posted on this BLOG. Titles of papers: The True Meaning of Christmas;
Insights; Am I Going To Heaven?; Pray for God’s Church, Our People, and
Our America; and Watchfire. In addition, for a more detailed look at some
of “America’s Issues that Need Urgent Redress” (especially Education, and
Federal Financial Management Reform) consider ordering the 74-page
document America 2020 – A Call For Action To Restore Our Nation,
written by the America 2020 Coalition and published by
for $7.76.
* A partial list of those nations that have succumbed to Communism since the late 1800s:
Argentina: The richest nation in the world in the 19th century; by the early
20th century unbridled socialism had bankrupted them.
Cuba: A fine nation in the Caribbean taken over by Fidel Castro in 1959 and
financially ruined by Communism within a decade.
Venezuela: This oil-rich nation in South America went very quickly bankrupt
under Communism.
Russia: Fell under Communist rule in the early 20th Century, ruining their
economy and enslaving their people.
China: Communism arose after WWII, ruining their economy and enslaving
their people; today it is resurging economically because they have adopted
carefully controlled Free-Enterprise, though the majority of their people still
live in poverty or squalor.
North Korea: Perhaps there is no better illustration of the diametric opposites
that Free-Enterprise and Communism are to each other than to observe two
nations of one people on the same peninsula in the Far East. South Korea is
a thriving nation with a vibrant economy under the Free-Enterprise system,
while North Korea is a destitute, enslaved Communist nation.
It is inconceivable how a thinking person can want Socialism, much less, Communism.