Divide & Conquer has been a successful strategy and tactic for the
military in fighting an enemy. It is often a useful option to divide
an enemy’s forces into smaller elements – and then defeat or
neutralize each element in turn. That strategy has been used by
the Democrat Party since the 1930s. To implement that strategy,
their tactic has been to create and describe classes of citizens,
then create stories that cause one class or group of citizens to feel
underprivileged when compared to the other created class or
group of citizens. Then the Dems suggest, to the class feeling
“shorted”, that by voting the Dems into office, the Dems will
correct this alleged terrible imbalance.
Over the years, these are the classes that the Dems have created:
Wealth, Race, Environment, Gender, Religion. The classic division
by the Dems for decades is the rich versus the poor. They
demonize the wealthy as though they should be ashamed of being
wealthy. They completely ignore the inconvenient truth that most
of the wealthy worked hard and sacrificed early pleasure, leisure,
etc. – for their long-term goal of becoming wealthy enough to
become comfortable. And the Dems always fail to mention that
the poor have the same opportunity as the wealthy, but that they
have to work for it also. Instead, they lead the poor (some of
whom remain that way through sheer laziness or drug addiction)
to believe the right thing for the poor to do is to put the Dems in
public office so they can then “tax the rich” and give large gifts,
erroneously labelled “entitlements”, to the poor. This tactic of
“rich vs poor” has been highly successful – bringing the nation to a
state of technical bankruptcy.
The latest use of this Anger-and-Divide tactic by Dems (some of
whom morphed into full-blown Socialist/Communists), with the
compliant help of the main-stream media, is the lie of widespread
Racism in the nation especially by cops on Black men. The
Marxist, Anti-Liberty Antifa and BLM (Black Lives Matter) have
created another mythical great rift in America. Pathetically, the
BLM folks fail to recognize their own lie about Black lives
mattering, because even though Blacks are 13% of our nation’s
population, Black Abortions are 34% of the nation’s total abortions
(source: Epoch Times, May 26, 2021). So, one could ask “Do Black
lives really matter to Blacks?”
The Black Lives Matter movement is intent on creating/staging
Violent-Cops-on-Innocent-Blacks events. By having the Main-
Stream Media firmly in hand, the BLM folks can spin almost every
tale of alleged wrong treatment of Blacks by Cops into a rush to
judgment of the Cop. A recent example is the Trial of Officer
Chauvin for the alleged murder of multiple-felon George Floyd.
The videos and the autopsy report, from a reliable source,
overwhelmingly suggest Floyd’s death was a self-inflicted overdose
of Fentanyl – a potent drug that, when overdosed, asphyxiates a
person by filling their lungs with liquid. Long before he was placed
on the ground, he was videoed saying he couldn’t breathe. The
autopsy report showed no injury to his trachea or larynx. Absent
other evidnce, it appears Floyd killed himself. Might it be a fearful
community felt, not thought, it had to find him guilty to prevent more
violence in the streets?
There is a Truth about the larger issue of black crime that must be
heard – here are some facts, some Truths, to ponder:
Of the 328 million people in the USA, 41.4 million are Black,
which is 12.6% of the US population.
Blacks commit over 50% of the Violent Crime in the USA.
Ninety-three percent of Black homicides are committed
by other Blacks.
Nine unarmed Black men were killed by Police in 2019.
(“Unarmed” does not mean “innocent” or “not a threat”)
The number of unarmed Black Men killed by Police
is down 23% since 2015.
A Police Officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed
by a Black Man than the other way around.
Above facts are from Brandon Straka of walkawaycampaign.com
The people of this nation know that there are occasional incidents
of bad behavior toward compliant apprehendees as well as bad
reactions by police officers to violent or disobedient arrested men
from time to time. It is regrettable, of course, but from the
statistics, it may be in part due to the overwhelming amount of
violent crime by blacks, many on drugs, who refuse to obey the
instructions of the officers. When a detained citizen starts running
away and is told to stop running or he will be shot, most people
would stop. But some of the detained men apparently refuse to obey
and are shot, yes, in the back. It’s sad, but there it is.
And one last word about our Police Departments. To keep the
peace in any community, police are a necessity. The Defund the
Police movement is absurd; actually it’s insane. It should be
Refund, not Defund, the Police, meaning: increase funding and
training so that they can do an even better job of protecting the
law-abiding citizenry.
The Dems have almost mastered Divide & Conquer Politics to
cause unrest in the nation so that they can claim to the people
that the Dems can solve that issue if the citizens will just put them
into public office. The truth is that the Dems never produce for
the country the rosy picture they paint during political campaigns.
Remember: Divide & Conquer is a military strategy and tactic that
is used against an enemy. The clear conclusion for many of us is
that the Dems since the 1930s have made war against their
enemy – yes, their enemy is the American people. Isn’t that
Sedition? Again the proof of this regrettable truth is the
outrageous financial condition of our nation. And, sad to see it,
the Dems have been joined by far too many Republicans who see
that we citizens have fallen prey to these socialist enticements
which put far too many of these anti-Americans into office. Power
is what it’s about; not what’s best for a Faith, Freedom, and Free-
Market nation.
The Dems have formally identified their Divide & Conquer Strategy
as Identity Politics. Identity Politics is the Communist Left’s
constant attempt to Anger and Divide our Nation (Again, isn’t that
called Sedition?). Communists always want us to believe that Full
Government Control and Central Planning is better for us than our
preferred Faith, Freedom and Free-Market Economy. It is, of
course, a Myth and Lie, but for some reason (might the socialist
indoctrination of our young in schools have something to do with
it?) the young seem to believe Socialism/ Communism is the single
best way to be governed. History reveals that every Communist
nation has impoverished and enslaved its people. Who in their
right mind wants that here?
In truth, none of us, regardless of skin color, wants violence in our
relations between us. We should all, regardless of skin color,
stand strongly against all those who want to divide us and who fan
the flames of false narratives about some of us to others of us for
the evil purpose of keeping us stirred up against one another – to
divide us. It’s time to say ENOUGH!
We have a way to go to get back to some semblance of good will
by each of us toward one another. A good place to start is for
each of us to humble ourselves before our great God and begin to
daily pray fervently for God to Forgive us and to Revive the
Churches in America, to ask Him to give us another Great
Awakening – to bring us all back to the One who founded this
nation through our Founding Fathers some 245 years ago. We
need Him; He doesn’t need us. So, we are the ones who must
bend our wills to His. If enough of us really prayed with a
determined deep desire for Him to restore us to righteousness in
all we think, say, or do – God may just do it. Worth a try,
wouldn’t you say?
In addition to concerted prayer, we must each always stand
against wrong-headed government proposals. Every time you
read or hear of some wrong-headed, unrighteous thinking by one
of our elected officials, contact them right away by phone or in
writing, and tell them you stand against such a thing. But we
must all commit to do this. Why? Because most of the people in
government listen only to the mass response; it’s about power,
not necessarily what’s right. So, a massive response by us to
them about something stupid will get them to act correctly.
Please commit to being one of the thousands who will stand up for
what is right by telling them so.
Tom McDonald on July 4, 2021